Competitive Swimming Sports

water sportsSwimming is a sport that is both challenging and enjoyable. It can be something we do for fun or it can be something we do competitively. However, for all the challenges that a long swim can provide, some people still want even more of a challenge to show that they are in peak physical condition. These competitive swimming sports prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

A Swimming Triathlon

triathlonA triathlon is a competition that combines several sports into one longer challenge. There are many different variations, but most of the time it will involve swimming, running, and cycling. There is some obstacle course runs that can make it even more challenging. Those who attempt to join in a triathlon must be physically fit enough to take part and excel in multiple challenges, which means that they also have to train for each of the different activities instead of focusing on only one. Some of these events encourage you to have a partner that can train in one area while you train in another, but not all of them are partner sports.

Swim Run Challenges

underwater hockeyA swim run is also a way for you to test out your skills both swimming and running, but most often there is a partner to do one or the other. If you feel that you are strongest as a swimmer and your chosen partner is better suited to running on land, then that is the way that you two should complete the race. However, because it is a partner sport, if you succeed quickly and they are off their game, you could still end up losing the race, which is disappointing for some people.

The Games Begin

There are also a lot of games that can be played to increase the excitement of a swimming race. For instance, there are water polo matches and underwater hockey type events. The simple truth is, anything can be done in the water and it can be a challenge for all who give it a try.